How Great Leaders Deliver High Quality Software & Accelerate Growth
Learn how engineering & QA teams from the likes of Google, Etsy, New York Times, GitHub, King, HelloFresh and many more influence quality so your company is aligned around delivering great experiences to your users.

Includes strategies used by these companies:

Praise for Leading Quality

What's inside?
Leading Quality: How Great Leaders Deliver High Quality Software & Accelerate Growth is split into three distinct sections
Section 1
Becoming a Leader of Quality

Section 2
Mastering Your Strategic Quality Decisions

Section 3
Leading Your Team To Accelerate Growth

AbouT the authors
Ronald Cummings-John & Owais Peer
Ronald Cummings-John and Owais Peer are the cofounders of Global App Testing (www.globalapptesting.com). Focusing on autonomous testing augmented with humans, Global App Testing allows teams to test in over 105 countries with 25,000 vetted professionals using real devices in real environments. This enables the company’s customers to deliver high-quality products with minimal testing effort.
Hundreds of leading brands including Facebook, Microsoft, General Electric, Google, and Oath rely on Global App Testing’s impact-first approach to quality, allowing Agile and DevOps teams to release faster and more often.
Ronald and Owais have gained worldwide recognition for innovations in the testing field―most notably inventing Testathons® (www.testathon.co). Testathons® are hackathons for testers, which have been run in over 50 countries with leading tech teams from the likes of King, Spotify, and Instagram.